Periop Today Newsletter

The latest in periop news delivered to your inbox.

Periop Today is our bi-weekly member newsletter that delivers perioperative news, clinical recommendations, professional development opportunities, and legislative guidance. Periop Today also features AORN's Guidelines for Perioperative Practice implementation tools, key takeaways, and a variety of perioperative resources. 

Periop Today Articles

Read articles from our current and past issues.

34 Results for Outpatient Surgery

With the right mindset, strategies and support, new ASC leaders can overcome any challenges that come their way. Read valuable insight and strategies from a nurse leader who’s been there.

Take a closer look at this crucial patient safety and potential liability issue through an outpatient lens. Discover successful strategies in medication storage and security for ASCs.

ASCs: Learn how a strong governance program helps ASCs thrive in this fast-growing, complex environment.

ASCs: From gloving to hand hygiene compliance, here’s how to ensure consistency among your OR team. Learn how standardization staves off infections.

Anesthesia Alert: Patients who use marijuana are at increased risk for negative outcomes.

ASCs: Preparing for a surveyor’s visit requires a combination of effective protocols and policies with regular audits, education, and training.

Peer Advice: How to always be prepared for malignant hyperthermia. Get tips in Outpatient Surgery Magazine.

Outpatient Surgery Magazine Launches New Administrator Central. The dedicated online feature provides ambulatory surgery administrators with useful resources, ideas, and solutions to support them in their role.

Standardize Your Surgical Safety Checklist: Confirm the right steps have been taken for every patient, every time. Effective use of a surgical checklist mitigates risk and helps catch preventable issues before they happen.

Improper patient positioning could lead to nerve injuries, pressure ulcers, respiratory distress, hemodynamic instability, surgical complications and prolonged recovery times. All perioperative nurses can benefit from the resources available from AORN on positioning the patient.

As ASCs tackle more complex cases, anesthesia providers must be prepared for difficult and often unanticipated issues.

Nearly a year after the landmark case, providers discuss how nurses fear the criminalization of medical mistakes. A panel of providers discuss a profession in peril, shared accountability and the future of ‘Just Culture.’

Accreditors are making disinfection practices a priority in a post-pandemic world — so should you.

Learn three (3) key considerations when building and launching an ambulatory surgery center (ASC).

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Continuing Education

AORN offers live and on-demand education on high-interest, clinical and leadership topics developed for perioperative nurses, leaders, and other members of the perioperative team.