Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Reduce heat and energy expenses by insulating your boiler room. An Idea that Works from University Pointe Surgical Hospital.

Keep electrodes from drying out by keeping opened packages of electrodes in one of those plastic containers with snap-on lids. An Idea that Works from Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine.

Many of today's hernia meshes have a lower risk of adhesion and infection than their heavyweight, unwieldy predecessors. Prevent infection after hernia surgery.

Here are 5 operating room regulations that just don't make sense. Take those rules and shove them.

Freedom of choice not always a good thing. Can we have reliability with so much variability?

The quest for products that protect your skin as well as they prevent infection.

These ideas and innovations are improving the efficiency and safety of the most minimally invasive laparoscopy.

Shortcuts and slip-ups are more common than you might think. Endoscope reprocessing's dirty little secrets revealed.

Use photos to remind staff how to set the table. An Idea that Works from Advanced Ambulatory Surgery Center.

Hand-held sculpting tool lets surgeons precisely resurface bone. Robotic-Assisted partial knee replacement tools.

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