Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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I Didn't Know My EMR Could Do That - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Jan

Surgeons must recommit to limiting risks of the condition that affects hundreds of thousands of patients each year. Prevent post-hernia chronic pain.

Identify patients at risk of falling by using color coded socks and caps. An Idea that Works from Baxter, Minn.

Wouldn't it be nice to visualize the vessels beneath the skin? Thinking of buying vein-finding technology?

There are 50 or so steps involved in cleaning an instrument tray. We set out on a quest to eliminate as many those steps as possible. From the OR to central sterile and back again.

There are many ways to prevent hypothermia. How do you warm your patients?

Save copper from ESU grounding pads for cash. An Idea that works from Roanoke, Va.

Our salary survey finds why so many of you are unhappy in your jobs.

California Nights - travel nursing is an opportunity to learn.

Up-front rules can sidestep trouble down the road. What's in your employee manual?

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