Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Let staff find replacement when calling off. Save time and money with this Idea That Works from Wooster Ambulatory Surgery Center in Ohio.

Avoid inaccurat CO2 capnogrphy readings with this Idea That Works from the Delmont Surgery Center in Greensburg, Pa.

Convert your stretcher table to a hand table with this Idea That Works from Seven Hills Surgery Center in Henderson, Nevada.

Recent innovations are bringing everything into sharper focus. See It Now: Advances in GI Visualization.

Make the removal of tegaderm painless. Stretch it, don't peel it. An Idea That Works from Maryville Surgical Center in Tennessee.

Prevent fiberoptic endoscopes from bending or breaking with this scope holster. An Idea That Works from Midtown Medical Center in Columbus, Georgia.

Wouldn't it be nice to visualize the vessels beneath the skin? Thinking of buying vein-finding technology?

There are 50 or so steps involved in cleaning an instrument tray. We set out on a quest to eliminate as many those steps as possible. From the OR to central sterile and back again.

There are many ways to prevent hypothermia. How do you warm your patients?

Save copper from ESU grounding pads for cash. An Idea that works from Roanoke, Va.

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