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2021 Issues
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Business Advisor: Time to dust off those preference cards. Ensuring they're accurate and up to date pays off in big ways.
Medical Malpractice: suits from slips, trips and falls. What's your liability when a patient takes a tumble at your facility?
Clear visibility. Don't let smoke, fog and debris impede your surgeon's view.
Reduce your radiation exposure. Don't ignore the very real threats of what you can't see.
Post-op pain in 2016. Our reader survey shows continued migration from opioids, toward multimodal.
Squeaky clean surgical instruments. Pearls and pointers from a sterile processing department that disinfects tens of thousands of trays a year.
Out of the closet and into the cloud. Tips for cloud computing success.
Practical pearls for surface disinfection. Deploy the proper cleaning agents to eradicate infective agents on your surfaces.
Coding & Billing: Do your surgeons and coders work in sync? Tips to get your docs engaged with the business side of surgery.
Help staffers prepare for what to do in the event of a fire with this Idea That Works from Bloomington, Indiana.