Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Where there's smoke ... If you smell charred flesh in the OR, you're probably inhaling invisible toxic gases, too.

Make sure important information doesn't get lost with this Idea That Works from Corinth, Mississippi.

The sinking of Sedasys. What doomed the much-ballyhooed computerized sedation system to failure?

Offer comfort to waiting friends and family members with this Idea That Works from Dallas, Texas.

The case for pre-packaged medications. Patient safety is just one of many reasons you should use pre-filled syringes.

Infection Prevention: Housekeepers are your SSI foot soldiers. A dedicated cleaning crew is the first line of defense against infections.

Test-driving the newest ENT navigation systems. Precision and convenience are the hallmarks of the 5 latest offerings.

Puncture-resistant ORs. Protect your surgeons and staff from sharps injuries with safety-engineered devices.

Everything in its place. Tips to get a grip on your inventory.

Thinking of Buying ... Pupil dilation solutions. Drugs and devices to tame even the most difficult pupils.

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