Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Keep track of patients' paperwork with this Idea That Works from Brooksville, Florida.

Staffing: Do your surgeons intimidate or inspire? Their leadership skills can make or break your team's performance.

10 insider tips to ace your next accreditation survey. There's more to prepping for your survey than just memorizing standards.

Cutting Remarks: Are we going overboard with patient safety? Sometimes you have to overrule overprotective staff members.

Editor's Page: Prescription to addiction? We've gone from one extreme to the other with managing post-op pain.

A day in the life of an endoscope. Your scopes are flexible. Your reprocessing standards shouldn't be.

Medical Malpractice: How to avoid product liability lawsuits. Your facility may be on the hook for defective drugs and devices.

Pre-Oxygenate claustrophobic patients with this Idea That Works from San Jose, California.

Everything in its place. Tips to get a grip on your inventory.

Thinking of Buying ... Pupil dilation solutions. Drugs and devices to tame even the most difficult pupils.

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