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While the infection rates at Kaiser Permanente Tysons Corner ASC in McLean, Va., were already low, the facility’s leadership wanted to do even better. They researched...

It's easy to get complacent in the way you run your facility, especially when familiar and effective workplace routines make it easy to fall into the trap of thinking "our way...

The devil's in the details when reprocessing difficult-to-disinfect flexible endoscopes. "They're devilishly hard to clean because they're so fragile and complex," says...

Do you want to educate staff on the key points of donning and doffing safety gear, and boost morale all in one shot? Try hosting a PPE Fashion Show at your facility. Ask your...

I look forward to our September issue and the announcement of the year's OR Excellence Award winners. They represent the incredible surgical professionals who...

As the nation continues to battle the opioid crisis, surgical facilities have embraced multimodal, opioid-sparing pain management techniques. That’s great news...

Surgery can be a scary thing, especially for kids, so I tested different ways to reduce the anxiety of pediatric patients who were having their tonsils and adenoids removed at...

Last month, the FDA issued an alert about potential risks associated with the intraocular use of compounded moxifloxacin. The FDA had received reports of toxic anterior...

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, surgical facilities are grappling with the challenge of ensuring patients and staff don't contract the virus in their facilities. That's led to...

It’s important to utilize the medications and supplies you paid for instead of letting them go to waste. For years, we checked our emergency carts for expired supplies...

This isn’t the first time members of the surgical team within the University Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) health system have been recognized for their efforts to protect...

Staff members who aren’t given time to take breaks during busy shifts can quickly become dissatisfied. Ensuring each staff member as an opportunity to step away from...

The news came on Monday, April 6. Due to the coronavirus, visitors were no longer allowed to escort their loved ones to the operating rooms at the Hospital of the...

India Marshall underwent surgery on June 9 for the removal of benign bone growths in her forehead at the hands of surgeon Jewel Greywoode, MD, of Charlotte (N.C.)...

This year marks the 12th edition of the OR Excellence Awards, our annual recognition of facilities that excel at providing safe, effective, economical and environmentally...

More than 2 million Americans suffer from opioid-use disorder — and that might be a conservative estimate. This has led to a dramatic increase in patients presenting for...

A hernia repair will always cause patients some level of discomfort. However, there’s a big difference between an annoying ache and acute pain — or worse, chronic pain...

We devised a simple method to let each other know when ORs have been turned over and are ready for the next patient. A staff member places a magnetic button embossed...

The proper cleaning and high-level disinfecting of flexible endoscopes has been under increased scrutiny because their long, narrow channels make it difficult for reprocessing...

Like religion or politics, I don’t feel comfortable talking about the reopening of our country. It makes me anxious. I don’t believe we’re ready even though I understand the...

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