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Components of some power tool sets used in the OR suites at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore were going missing — and it was costing the facility nearly...
Anesthesia providers have been forced to alter the way they work in order to deliver safe and efficient care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of their close proximity...
One of the many secondary results of the coronavirus pandemic has been a reemphasis on the importance of cleaning and disinfection at all levels of health care. For the medical device reprocessing industry in particular,...
Some of the drugs and fluids used most often in surgical facilities go in and out of shortage daily due to interruptions in the supply chain, a problem exacerbated by the...
It's the year of the nurse, and what a year it's been. The amazing people whose profiles begin on page 22 are celebrated as deserving representatives of a profession filled with dedicated providers who give more than they receive,...
Warm blankets and warming devices are easy-to-apply interventions that prevent a patient's temperature from dipping below 36 ?C before, during and after surgery....
Bundled payment models work wonders for facilities that perform predictable, repeatable surgeries such as total joint replacements. In an industry where payment...
The PowerPoint deck displayed on one of the flat screen monitors in our lobby runs on a loop and includes answers to commonly asked patient questions and bios of staff and surgeons. The bios include traditional...
Ah, Thanksgiving. Time for turkey, dressing and pumpkin pie. It's over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go — whether physically or virtually....
Love the efficiency of your facility's single-cup coffeemaker but hate the waste generated by all those leftover cups? Purchase a coffee pod recycling tool that allows you to easily separate the grounds from the recyclable pod...
We invite patients and staff to recognize members of the team who demonstrate one of our medical center's core values — respect, teamwork, service, honesty — by submitting a card describing the good deed...
Placing products at eye level in grocery stores and retail chains is a strategy used to increase sales. Tabitha Turner, RN, MSN, CNOR, CGRN, the driving force behind...
About seven years ago, we decided to transform some of our staff and patient spaces into "Zen dens" — areas that inspire calm and mindfulness. One of our nurses, Darlene Faust, RN, happened to have hidden...
The use of deep monitored anesthesia care (MAC) during outpatient surgeries continues to increase, and for good reason. MAC eliminates the need for general...
Wrong-site surgeries occur approximately 40 times a week in facilities across the U.S. Surgical professionals must therefore ask themselves why these avoidable errors...
Here's a fun and effective way to make sure your facility's written policies are followed. First, create a series of cards that each contain a policy your staff needs to know,...
The new tabletop T-Edge 10 Autoclave boasts a 10-inch chamber size and 32-minute cycle times — the largest capacity and the fastest times of comparably sized units,...
I replace about a thousand knees a year and treat each one as a unique case when restoring the joint's normal range of motion and stability. Soft tissues guide me to how...
Keeping surgical patients warm and their core body temperature above 36 ?C is not only critical to their comfort, but also their safety. Unplanned perioperative hypothermia...
The beauty of the price transparency model lies in its simplicity. You present all-in pricing for each procedure your surgery center offers, and patients pay the advertised...