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Increasing case volumes is the obvious way to infuse your facility with additional revenue. Looking at ways to improve efficiencies, limit waste and make smart...
You authored the world's bestselling primer Understanding Patient Safety. What's the single most important component of keeping patients safe?...
If you went out of your way to get recycling bins into your ORs, the last thing you want is for all your green efforts to go to waste when recyclables accidentally wind up getting...
Ultrathin endoscopes have proven to be invaluable instruments for examining the upper GI tract of patients with challenging anatomy, even if that wasn't their intended...
Creating more diversity within academic surgery requires a targeted, long-term and dedicated approach. It's a worthwhile goal. Eliminating long-standing racial and...
Renowned neurosurgeon John Boockvar, MD, strides into an operating room at Lenox Hill Hospital and greets members of his surgical team as they gather in a loose circle....
Think of patient satisfaction like a Yelp review. With technology and social media at everyone's fingertips, patients can easily look up how your facility and surgeons stack...
For surgical facility leaders, safety is everything. You meet rigorous quality and care standards, practice evidence-based medicine, use cutting-edge technology and adhere...
When the COVID-19 pandemic began, one of the first things we noticed was the negative shift in everyone's moods. We're both very upbeat people, so we brainstormed...
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are expensive adverse events for surgical facilities, especially with procedures like total joint replacements and complex spine cases....
"The OR is on fire!" Did we get your attention? Approximately 500 surgical fires occur every year in the U.S.,...
You might use covert monitoring methods and punitive punishments to improve your staff's compliance with hand hygiene protocols, but I believe in overt observations...
For the longest time, we believed safer equipment and safety procedures were the way to prevent sharps injuries. But after years of increased focus on sharps safety, this hasn't been...
With public health experts sounding the alarm about the likelihood of a second COVID-19 spike this winter in the midst of flu season, whole room disinfection technologies are...
Patients are informed before and after surgery about the amount of post-op pain they're likely to experience. To complement those important discussions, we created...
Patients often sit nervously in the reception area as they wait to hear their name loudly called when it's time to get prepped for surgery. To take some of the stress out of...
When our chief medical officer joined our daily safety huddle one morning, I saw a golden opportunity to get our smoke-free OR program off the ground. I'd been trying...
Marking trash bags with an OR's room number is a simple way to shorten the search for misplaced instruments. No matter how many instrument counts take place...
On a winter’s evening in 2017, Chris Fuller, MD, was about to cut into the most vibrant green bell pepper he had ever seen. “It was splayed before me, in brilliant 4K high-def...
The risks and dangers of complex spine procedures are significant, so surgeons must work with specially designed tables that give them the access, visibility, versatility,...