All 10368 Results

New Positions on Positioning. What's new in AORN's 2018 patient positioning guidelines.

Ideas That Work: Medication Lockbox. Keep Drugs Under Lock and Key in the OR.

Product News. Great ideas for your OR.

Skin Prep Pop Quiz. Test your knowledge on best practices for preventing surgical site infections.

Behind Closed Doors: Laugh a Little. Life in the OR can be funny - even when it's not meant to be.

3 Tips for Total Hip Efficiency. Keys to success with same-day hip replacements.

Surgical Smoke Nearly Killed Me. An orthopedic surgeon who needed a double lung transplant is on a crusade to warn others about the dangers of plume.

Ideas That Work: Help New Staff Track Their Progress

What's New in Upper GI. The latest scope add-ons let gastroenterologists see and do more.

Business Advisor: Add-On Cases: Friend or Foe? You should always make room for one more case.

Pentax Voluntarily Recalls ED-3490TK Video Duodenoscopes for Design and Labeling Changes. Pentax will replace the forceps elevator mechanism, O-rings and the distal end covering.

You Can't Put a Price on Pupillary Dilation. Don't hesitate to invest in the drugs and devices that make cataract surgery safer and more efficient.

Ideas That Work: Trips and Falls. Fatigue Mats Make Great Cord Covers.

Ideas That Work: Patient Safety. It's Okay to 'CUS' in Our ORs.

How to Succeed With Outpatient Trauma. Position your facility as an urgent care center that can send the boy with the fractured arm home in a cast, not a sling.

Staffing: An Internship Program for New Surgical Nurses. A look at our immersive, hands-on training course for new RNs.

Coding & Billing: Yes, You Can Overturn Medical Necessity Denials. 3 keys to challenging - and collecting on - unfair claim denials.

4 Advances in Arthroscopy. Your orthopedic surgeons might soon be asking about the latest tools and technologies for improved joint repairs.

Weighing Your Fluid Waste Disposal Options. Are you using the best method for your facility?

Sending Patients Home With Pain Pumps. Peripheral nerve catheters are your secret weapon in the quest for prolonged post-surgical pain control.

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