Anesthesia Alert: Cataract Surgeons Giving Anesthesia? Insurer says anesthetists aren't needed for most cataract cases.
Taking Their Last Breath; What if frontline staff demanded smoke-free ORs?
Advances in Image-Guided Sinus Surgery; Enhanced real-time imaging and improved instrumentation tracking let surgeons operate smarter and safer.
Building Trust Between Surgical Teams and Robots; Q&A with Joshua Tyler, MD, FACS, FASCRS
Editor's Page; We All Make Mistakes, But Few Talk About Them.
Study Finds Psychosis Drug Amisulpride Reduces Nausea and Vomiting. Small doses of amisulpride, a drug used to manage psychosis, may prevent PONV when given with standard anti-nausea treatment, say researchers.
Disgruntled Central Sterile Employee Shoots and Kills Longtime Nursing Supervisor at Alabama Hospital. Nancy Swift, RN, a 63-year-old nursing manager, was gunned down Wednesday night in her office just outside the the OR at University of Alabama at Birmin
Ideas That Work: HIPAA; Keep the Schedule Confidential
Things only a surgical nurse would understand and appreciate.
Anesthetists share the ingredients to their multimodal approach to 3 painful surgeries.
Is your staff prepared to swing into action to save a patient's life?
By targeting our most vulnerable patients, we dramatically reduced SSIs.
Painkillers are often not the answer to post-surgical pain.
The future is bright for procedures that lower intraocular pressure.
"Door Buster" Cards Help Save Lives
Great ideas for your OR
Simple steps to head off confusion about patients' insurance coverage.
Can technology help gather data for CMS quality reporting and benchmarking?
Optimizing pre-op nutrition prepares patients for the physical stress of surgery, lowers risk of complications and improves clinical outcomes.
The OR can be a dangerous place for your employees.