All 10163 Results

Police: Director of surgery center tried to traffic 28g of fentanyl. Police arrest spine surgeon for drug charges during investigation into unrelated cell phone theft.

A look at health care's reimbursement future at ORX. Attendees learned about the triple aim of care: quality, cost and patient satisfaction.

At ORX, why open disclosure bests deny and defend. Transparency with patients when surgical errors occur improves care and eases the financial burden of malpractice liability.

At ORX, the case for giving disruptive docs a second chance. There are ways to work with problem physicians to make them productive members of your team.

Study finds patients fare better when the surgeon is female. Nature or nurture? Women typically have to work harder to become surgeons, the authors point out.

ORX attendees learn why patients come second. Creating an exceptional team of leaders will transform patient care.

Study: "Frailty" a better predictor of complications than age in low-risk surgeries. Informed consent should deemphasize age, increase emphasis on frailty, say the authors.

CDC study: Doctors and nurses admit to reusing syringes for multiple patients at dangerously high rates. Researchers found that 12% of physicians and 3% of nurses reuse syringes in their workplace.

Researchers study which alcohol hand rub dries fastest. Study compares liquid, gel and foam forms of isopropanol and ethanol formulations.

Safety: Avoid opioid-related respiratory depression. Continuous electronic monitoring tops pulse oximetry or spot checks.

Improve your arthroscopy imaging. Clearer, sharper views in your orthopedic ORs will let surgeons perform safer and more efficient surgery.

How to stamp out astigmatism. The 5 keys to surgical success with astigmatism correction.

Numerous cases of a potentially blinding condition have been tied to Vancomycin injections. Although the cause of hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis is currently unproven, there is a strong association with the use of intraocular vancomycin, says FD

Try this crafty Idea That Works for recycling your medication vial caps.

Endoscope reprocessing from start to finish. Is perfection possible every time when disinfecting scopes?

Confirm the correct surgical procedure with this Idea That Works.

Winning with nerve blocks. 20 little-known facts about regional anesthesia that could be holding you back.

Take a uniform approach to cleaning the OR with this Idea That Works.

A deep dive into surface disinfection. Our infection control consultant has 10 questions for your cleaning crew.

Editor's page: A day of surgeries and zero opioids. Will alternative pain management techniques go mainstream?

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