377 Results for Staff Safety

irst, I felt nauseous. Then, I felt pain in my lower abdomen. My head began to ache, and I had a slight temperature. It was early April, during the peak of the coronavirus...

Awareness continues to develop around the negative health effects of surgical smoke, which contains harmful chemicals, carcinogens, bacteria and viruses. Spending a full...

It’s hard to believe 20 years have passed since the enactment of the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act. The landmark legislation requires surgical facilities to identify,...

When Can Vendor Reps Return to ORs? New recommendations support their safe reentry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kenneth Levin, MD, was performing his fourth big abdominal case of the day when his neck and back suddenly froze. "The PA looked at me, and I looked at her, and she knew...

Facilities Canceling Elective Surgeries; Hospitals and surgery centers are preparing to care for increasing numbers of coronavirus cases.

ASCRS Cancels Annual Meeting; It's the latest of many conferences called off during the coronavirus outbreak.

Coronavirus Crisis Continues to Escalate;Conference cancelations mark the beginning of an uncertain future

Getting to the Point of Sharps Safety; There's more work to be done before sticks and cuts no longer occur in today's ORs.

Gearing Up for Safety and Comfort; These products and devices will go a long way toward keeping your surgical team happy and healthy.

Sharpen Your Knowledge of Sharps Safety; 6 surprising facts about sharps injury prevention

My mission from hospital leadership: Reduce sharps injuries in our 2 regional hospitals by 5% in a year. We far exceeded our goals, managing a 60% reduction from...

You’ve no doubt heard the trumpet calls of alarm about the dangers of surgical smoke. That the plume wafting off cauterized tissue contains chemicals and...

As the ergonomics and injury prevention specialist for 11 hospitals, I was responsible for tracking the causes of the most frequent and severe injuries by department,...

5 Ways to Slash Sharps Injuries; Take a proactive approach to protect surgeons and staff from sticks and cuts.

Who's Looking Out for the Providers? You owe it to your team to reduce the risks of slips, trips and back strains.

Spread the Word About Surgical Smoke Safety; My evacuation success story could guide efforts to clear the OR air in your facility.

Focus on the Fundamentals Of Radiation Safety; Understanding the principles of time, distance and shielding will limit your team's exposure risks.

Surgeons come in all shapes, sizes and sexes with individual ergonomic needs. Those instruments designed for the burly 6-foot-6 surgeon who played middle linebacker...

Baptist Hospital in Miami, Fla., this year’s winner of the 2019 OR Excellence Award for Employee Safety, is well on its way to clearing the OR air of surgical smoke thanks...

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