364 Results for Staff Safety

Most people who make a mistake feel embarrassed, but often these experiences can be a valuable learning tool. In fact, sharing what could have gone wrong with colleagues helps them avoid similar missteps. That’s why staff...

Julie Moyle, RN, MSN, remembers the case well, even though it occurred more than 35 years ago. At the start of the AIDS epidemic, she was a surgical nurse at a hospital in...

Your staff must know how to immediately respond if a patient’s airway catches fire, surgical equipment starts to spark or flames erupt in the sterile field. It’s helpful to designate specific roles for each surgical team member...

While many facilities were shuttered during the pandemic’s first wave, OMNI Surgery Center’s quick action allowed surgeons to use the facility’s four operating rooms for urgent cases when former New York Governor...

The opportunity to start a surgical facility from scratch is a rare one for any healthcare provider, so when Brandy Ginzinger, RN, was named director of surgical services at UCF Lake Nona Medical Center in Orlando, Fla.,...

Test your knowledge about potential hazards — and how to eliminate them.

Last year marked the 20th anniversary of the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, landmark legislation that was intended to eliminate the sharps injuries that continue...

Brenda Ulmer, MN, RN, CNOR, and Angela Hohn, RN, BSN, BS, CNOR, have accomplished so much together that it’s almost impossible to believe that the two...

Manhattan’s Upper East Side where he cares for patients suffering from glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most aggressive form of brain cancer. It’s why Dr. Boockvar’s...

At the onset of the pandemic, William Padula, PhD, MS, MSc, saw something distressing among the frontline doctors and nurses speaking on TV. "They had deep dark cuts and bruises all along their forehead, underneath their eyes...

Orthopedic surgeons are like star athletes, engaging in a highly physical profession that takes a significant toll on their bodies. David Ruch, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at Duke...

Intraoperative fluoroscopy is a powerful but potentially dangerous aspect of many surgeries. The goal is to get the exact images the surgeon needs without exposing...

There is currently no clear consensus for when it’s safe to operate on patients who are recovering from COVID-19. A baseline was set in March with the publication of an international, multicenter study by the enormous...

Daniel Gomez, MD, FACOG, FACS, vividly remembers the day during his third year of residency when he was operating with one of his attending physicians. As they were...

Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.

Surgeons undergo years of intense training to learn how to return patients to good health, yet receive little instruction on how to maintain their own well-being. After long...

The jury's been in on double-gloving for quite some time now. Wearing two layers of protection is an easy, cost-saving and low-tech way to reduce risks of cross-contamination...

The persistent pain above her ribcage made sleeping at night nearly impossible. "My primary care physician dismissed it as a muscular injury that would correct itself,..."

Rob Taylor, RN, BS, IP, was about halfway through his very first day on the job as the clinical director of the Constitution Surgery Center in Waterford, Conn., when he was...

Placing products at eye level in grocery stores and retail chains is a strategy used to increase sales. Tabitha Turner, RN, MSN, CNOR, CGRN, the driving force behind...

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