377 Results for Staff Safety

5 steps to improved c-arm safety. ???Protect your surgical team from intraoperative imaging's hidden harm.

Let's ban surgical smoke. It's time to protect all surgical professionals from the harmful effects of toxic plumes.

Two gloves are better than one. Double-gloving can be a hard sell, but there are plenty of reasons to make it mandatory.

Sell surgeons on safety scalpels. Emphasizing the personal and financial costs of sharps injuries will help get safer blades into your ORs.

What would you do if bullets started to fly? Lenworth M. Jacobs, MD, MPH, FACS, surgeon and proponent of preparing for active shooter events.

Safety: Are You Ready for a Disaster? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -

Police: Man shot pain management doctor because he refused to give wife Opioids. Todd Graham, MD, was murdered 2 hours after seeing the accused assailant's wife.

Keep fluid waste off the floor. Today's collection and disposal solutions speed room turnovers and protect staff from harm.

Anesthesia alert: Can you spot a drug diverter in your midst? Anesthesia providers are vulnerable to on-the-job opioid abuse.

Let's get serious about sharps safety. I'm on a quest to eliminate cuts and needlesticks from the OR. Are you ready to join me?

Legislation would outlaw surgical smoke in Calif. ORs. Lawmakers press forward with a bill that would mandate the use of smoke-evacuation systems in healthcare settings.

Staffing: Avoid career burnout. 3 steps to improve your physical and mental wellbeing.

Double-gloving a hole in one? How we convinced our surgeons and staff to double-glove.

Slow down, save a life. Keeping your staff safe is a challenge in the fast-paced environment of same-day surgery.

Safety: Inside our sharps safety success. We slashed percutaneous injuries in our ORs by more than one-third.

Burning question: Are you committed to keeping your ORs free of surgical smoke?

Keep your employees free from harm. A number of hazards are lurking in your operating rooms.

Keep OR floors clear and dry. For the surgical team, safety starts from the ground up.

The finer points of sharps safety. Focus on these 4 areas to reduce risks of cuts and sticks.

Surgeon and Staff Safety: lost in the shuffle. Does your OR team focus as much on its own safety as that of the patient's?

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