Design and Construction Tool Kit


The AORN Design and Construction Tool Kit provides information related to the processes involved in construction or renovation of surgical suites, surgery departments, and associated support areas (e.g., sterile processing areas). The tool kit addresses the different phases of a construction project by defining who should be included in a perioperative construction project, design concepts, the steps of a construction project, reading architectural drawings and special considerations in a Sterile Processing Department (SPD) project.

Recognition of Task Force Committee Members:

Scott Bales, RA, AIA, EDAC, NCARB, DBIA, LEED – Medical Planner, CuninghamMember
Annette Couvillon, AIA, EDAC, LSSYB – Vice President, HKSMember
Troy Savage, MESc, MDiv – Project Manager, Strategic Projects and Innovation, MazzettiMember
Mary C. Fearon, RN, MSN – President, MMFearon, LLCMember
LarriJo Boone, RN, LSSGB, Design Researcher, Clinical Nurse Expert -Ewing ColeMember
Shilpa Bhardwaj PdD, BArchMember
Ramón Hiberink- SurgicubeMember
Beverly Kirchner, MSN, RN, CNOR, CNAMBMember
Michelle LarsonMember
David HornMember
Lisa Spruce DNP, RN, CNS-CP, EBP-C, CNOR, ACNS, ACNP, FAAN -Senior Director of Evidence Based Perioperative PracticeAORN-Staff Liaison



Design and Construction Tool Kit Bibliography (PDF)

AORN Journal Articles


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