AORN Comprehensive Surgical Checklist Tool Kit


The AORN Comprehensive Surgical Checklist includes key safety checks as outlined in the World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist and The Joint Commission Universal Protocol. It is designed for use in all types of facilities (eg, hospital ORs, ambulatory surgery settings, physician offices).

Using color codes to signify items from the WHO checklist, The Joint Commission Universal Protocol, and areas where the two overlap, the Comprehensive Surgical Checklist offers guidance for preprocedural check in, sign in, time out, and sign out. Open-ended questions are also included to encourage active participation from all members of the surgical team.

Standardized Checklist Guidelines

Perioperative team members should use a standardized checklist during the time out or during other critical events or processes. There is strong evidence to support the use of a standardized checklist during the time-out process to improve communication and reduce the potential for errors in perioperative and procedural settings.

  • Customization of checklists based on specialized surgical procedures and unique characteristics of patients, with input from all members of the perioperative team, leads to development of meaningful and relevant checklists.
  • Join the campaign to promote patient safety and support time out for every patient, every time.

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