Position Statements & Guidance
- Home
- Guidelines & Resources
- Clinical Resources
- Position Statements & Guidance
Education & Orientation
- Entry into Practice
- AORN Position Statement on Orientation of the Registered Nurse and Surgical Technologist to the Perioperative Setting
- Perioperative Nursing Certification
- Perioperative Registered Nurse Residency Programs
- Responsibility for Mentoring
- Value of Clinical Learning Activities in the Perioperative Setting in Undergraduate Nursing Curricula
- Value of the Perioperative Nurse Educator
Patient & Workplace Safety
- AANA, AORN, ASPAN Position Statement on Workplace Civility
- Distractions, Disruptions, and Noise in the Perioperative Practice Setting (PDF)
- Environmental Responsibility (PDF)
- Healthy Perioperative Practice Environment
- HVAC Interim Guidance Statement (PDF)
- Patient Safety (PDF)
- Preventing Wrong-Patient, Wrong-Site, Wrong-Procedure Events (PDF)
Personnel & Staffing
- AORN Position Statement on Delegation in Perioperative Practice Setting
- Criminalization of Human Errors in the Perioperative Setting (PDF)
- Perioperative Registered Nurse Circulator Dedicated to Every Patient Undergoing an Operative or Other Invasive Procedure
- Role of the Health Care Industry Representative in the Perioperative Setting (PDF)
- Safe Staffing and On-Call Practices
Guiding Principles
Endorsed Documents
- AAACN Position Statement on the Role of the Registered Nurse in Ambulatory Care (PDF)
- ANA Care Coordination and Registered Nurses' Essential Role
- ANA Position Statement on Immunizations (PDF)
- ANA Position Statement on Incivility, Bullying, and Workplace Violence (PDF)
- ANA Position Statement on Inclusion of Recognized Terminologies within EHR and other HIT Solutions (PDF)
- CDC's Position Statement on Single-Dose/Single-Use Vials (PDF)
- Consensus Model for APRN Regulation (PDF)
- Criteria for the Evaluation of Clinical Nurse Specialist Master's, Practice Doctorate, and Post-Graduate Certificate Educational Programs (PDF)
- ENA/IntNSA Position Statement on Substance Use Among Nurses and Nursing Students
- Free from Harm: Accelerating Patient Safety Improvement Fifteen Years after: To Err is Human
- Immediate Use Steam Sterilization (PDF)
- Joint Communication: OR Relative Humidity (PDF)
- Joint Position Statement on Substance Use (PDF)
AORN White Papers