Periop 101: A Core Curriculum™

Efficiently Train Novice Nurses & Support Professional Development

Perioperative Training Program for Nurses

For over 25 years, healthcare facilities around the world have relied on Periop 101 to prepare new periop nurses for the operating room. Its hybrid format meets various learning style needs by connecting didactic learning with hands-on training, textbook readings, and video demonstrations. To equip your team for success, Periop 101 also includes supporting education and resources for preceptors, experienced RNs, and program administrators.

This comprehensive training program is also turnkey and easy to implement, offloading the development of training content, clinical resources, and program management tools from periop leaders and educators. The ability for quick, yet customized, implementation helps alleviate nurse shortage by providing a periop nurse training program that efficiently and effectively gets novice nurses ready for the operating room and with a strong evidence-based practice foundation.

Beyond onboarding, this perioperative nursing program also supports nurse retention by providing additional continuing education to support the professional development of both new and experienced nurses on your team. This allows educators and leaders to keep their team engaged and their perioperative skills sharp to help ensure safe surgery.

Updates to the AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice are released each year. With AORN’s Periop 101 program, you can ensure that your team is receiving training developed from the most up-to-date evidence-based best practices.

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Periop 101 customers can log in to access course materials, find answers to FAQs, connect with peers, and more. Learn how we support you.


See What Your Peers Are Saying About Periop 101

Periop 101 has been training new nurses globally for over 25 years. Hear what some of your peers have to say about their experience with the program and how it has benefited their perioperative teams.

What's Included in the Periop 101 Program?

Periop 101 offers much more than a surgical nurse orientation program. It provides mentorship, professional development, and connection to the perioperative community for novice nurses. Additionally, it offers continuing education for new and experienced nurses, as well as program administrators. The program also includes support for the success of program administrators and preceptors.

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Perioperative Course for New Nurses

The following is available to support the onboarding of your novice nurses:

  • Interactive online learning modules
  • Hands-on skills labs tools (provided for easy implementation) 
  • Textbook readings (purchased separately)
  • Clinical preceptorship (training for preceptors included, facility to implement)
  • Group activities
  • Clinical technique video demonstrations
  • Extended access to the Periop 101 content, serving as a clinical reference after program graduation

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Continuing Education for New & Experienced RNs

The following education programs are now also included in your Periop 101 Facility Agreement. Whether serving as continuing education for your experienced nurses, or as a professional development plan for your novice nurses through their early career, these courses can be used at your discretion. As a program administrator, you can plan your team’s professional development and assign courses as needed throughout your 3-year agreement:

  • Prep for CNOR: Helps nurses prepare for the operating room nurse certification exam.****
  • Knowledge Assessment: Identifies clinical areas needing additional training for each nurse.
  • Periop Mastery 2.0 Program: Allows for further level setting of knowledge according to specific (or all) clinical areas.

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Support for Periop 101 Program Administrators

To help program administrators implement and manage a perioperative education program, Periop 101 provides the following resources:

  • Administrator Implementation Guide
  • Detailed steps to getting started
  • Sample course schedules
  • 3-year Facility Agreement provides ample time to assign learner seats to the Periop 101 program, providing flexibility to training cohorts and an opportunity to take advantage of volume discounts
  • Access to learner education modules
  • Hands-On Skills Lab Guide & Checklist
  • Final Exam Study Guides
  • Administrator Dashboard with program updates, help videos, reporting guide, and more
  • Bimonthly Administrator Webinars where AORN periop experts and experienced administrators offer tips, best practices, and answers to your questions
  • Periop 101 quarterly Administrator Newsletter with program tips and updates

****Assigned to individual Periop 101 learners as part of their complimentary AORN membership benefits.

Training for Preceptors

Registration to Preparing the Preceptor is included with Periop 101 (1-4 complimentary students included, depending on number of seats purchased). This provides training and supporting resources like scenario-based studies, reflection points to promote critical thinking, daily feedback tool, self-assessment, and more to help them succeed in their role.

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)

Vital to preparing nurses for their role and to continuously improve quality and safety for patients throughout their career is the inclusion of QSEN. Periop 101 includes graduate-level QSEN competencies which will give novice nurses the ability to apply the competencies to their daily surgical practice.

Complimentary Multi-Year AORN Memberships

The program includes a 2-year AORN Membership for the Periop 101 learner. This connects the novice nurse with the periop community, provides helpful clinical resources and practice advice most needed by nurses new to the specialty, and access to a Mentor Program for career guidance. Periop 101 students also enjoy a discounted renewal rate to continue their access to AORN clinical resources and other membership benefits beyond their first 2 years for only $50. Learn more about AORN Membership benefits.

Periop 101 administrators receive a 3-year complimentary AORN Membership, which offers access to learner engagement tools and Guideline Essentials to support the success of their Periop 101 program, along with hundreds of continuing education units for their own professional development. Membership also connects leaders to their peers for the exchange of ideas and solutions. Learn more about AORN Membership benefits.

Questions About Periop 101?

Review the Periop 101 FAQs for answers to commonly asked questions from learners, administrators, and preceptors.

Periop 101 is available through a Facility Agreement. Contact AORN for answers to your questions and a program demonstration to help you fully understand why Periop 101 is the go-to nurse training program for healthcare facilities around the world.

Contact AORN View Agreement Conditions

Complement Periop 101 with Impactful Clinical Resources

eGuidelines Plus: An online facility subscription providing access to AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice. Your subscription includes hundreds of online implementation tools and clinical resources to enhance onboarding and further your OR team's competencies.

Preparing for the Scrub Role: With the current nursing and surgical technologist shortage, facilities need new nurses to be trained for the scrub role as soon as possible. Pair Periop 101 seats with scrub role training for a seamless transition. 

AORN CineMed Video Library: Educational modules including video, study guide, and posttest to help new and experienced staff develop and sharpen skills on patient and staff safety.

Contact AORN to inquire about bundling these resources.

Periop 101 Related Resources

This program provides evidence-based, perioperative care foundation for allied health care professionals, enabling them to safely interact in the surgical environment. The online course is available for individual learners and facility purchase for multiple learners.

This course is designed to provide the perioperative nurse with the knowledge, workflows, and clinical skills necessary to transition to a sterile field or scrub role. Efficiently train your RNs to meet staffing needs. The online course is available through a facility purchase.

Provides facility-wide digital access to staff education resources, time-saving tools and templates, and the latest AORN Guidelines. This evidence-based clinical resource is available through a facility subscription.

Offers over 40 video-based educational courses designed to increase competency and for implementation of best practices in the perioperative environment. This mobile-friendly video library also offers contact hours and is available with flexible pricing options for facilities.

This training course for nurses utilizes a blended learning model that incorporates online didactic content and interactive skills lab tools focused on the care of the GI endoscopy patient.