ASC Preoperative Care Course

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Preoperative Patient Care in Ambulatory Surgery

Preoperative care in the ambulatory setting requires a thorough and efficient implementation of the nursing process. Upon completion of this course, the perioperative nurse will have increased understanding of the essential activities of patient-centered assessment, education, and the communication needs required for the patient and their support system. The learner will be able to integrate that knowledge into practice in the ASC preoperative setting.

Course Objectives

  • Describe elements of preoperative patient and family education.
  • Identify evaluation components of the patient’s knowledge of the surgical experience.

Contact Hours

Participants receive 1.0 contact hour after completion of the course and evaluation.


This program is approved for up to 1.0 hour of AEU by BASC Provider #0102. 

Course Access

The learner will have 3 months from the time of first course launch to complete the course.


Ready to Enroll?

This course is available for purchase by an individual learner or through a group education package for multiple learners. A group purchase of 3+ seats of this course, or any combination of ASC courses, is offered at a 20% discount off your entire invoice. Learn about group education packages.

Group Purchase Form Individual Purchase

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