Safe Administration of Moderate Sedation

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Maintain Patient Safety During Moderate Sedation

Strengthen your perioperative skills with this newly updated course that provides an overview of the registered nurse’s (RN’s) role in safe administration of moderate sedation, including the RN scope of practice, the criteria for the eligible adult patient populations, patient monitoring, patient discharge, medication administration parameters, and strategies for managing emergent situations. 

The revamped course reflects the latest AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice and offers refreshed, dynamic content, with a focus on scenarios and reflections. This includes a new AI avatar to guide the learner experience and streamlined content to meet the needs of busy perioperative RNs.


  1. Introduction to Moderate Sedation
  2. Patient Selection and Pre-Procedural Guidelines
  3. Patient Physiologic Monitoring and Airway Considerations
  4. Medication Administration
  5. Emergency Preparedness and Safety for Moderate Sedation (Includes location-specific scenarios for learners to choose from: GI laboratory, ASC, and main OR)
  6. Post-Procedure Care and Discharge

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, the learner will be able to: 
  1. Define the role of the procedural RN who is providing care to a patient receiving moderate sedation. 
  2. Describe the distinct characteristics of mild, moderate, and deep sedation (anesthesia).
  3. List at least three guidelines and standards to follow when administering moderate sedation. 
  4. Identify criteria used to monitor the patient’s level of consciousness.

Contact Hours

Participants receive 2.5 contact hours after completion of the course and evaluation.


This program is approved for up to 2.5 hours of AEUs and up to 0.0 hours of IPCH by BASC Provider #0102.

Course Access

The learner will have six months from the time of first course launch to complete the course.

Ready to Enroll?

This course is available for purchase by an individual learner or through a group education package for multiple learners. A group purchase of 3+ seats of this course, or any combination of ASC courses, is offered at a 20% discount off your entire invoice. Learn about group education packages.

Group Purchase Form Individual Purchase

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