Spotlight on Emerging Leader: Shannen Baggett, BSN, RN


Leading by Example: A Team-First Approach

Shannen Baggett’s leadership philosophy is simple: she doesn’t eat until her team has.

This metaphor for selfless leadership highlights her dedication to her team’s well-being, showing her willingness to put their needs before her own.

"You have to lead by example if you want to motivate others," she said. "I believe in really getting to know the people you work with—their strengths, their struggles, what makes them smile. Something as simple as handing them their favorite coffee can make a huge difference."

Shannen’s leadership is rooted in empathy, understanding, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of her colleagues. She’s worked as a charge nurse at Saint Joseph’s Hospital in Texas for more than a year, and prior to that, she held roles at several other medical centers.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Shannen’s leadership was put to the test. Transitioning from her role in the OR to bedside nursing in the ICU at Flagstaff Medical Center, which serves the Navajo Nation, she found herself guiding younger nurses through one of the most challenging periods of their careers.

"Our hospital was hit hard, and I had to tap into my leadership skills to keep the team going. I had to be that person they could lean on,” she said.

Despite the overwhelming challenges, Shannen remained steadfast in her commitment to her team. "During the pandemic, I told my team, 'I will never let the ship go down without fighting for it,’” she said.

A Career Dedicated to Teamwork and Care

Shannen’s dedication to her team is evident in every step of her career. One of her proudest moments was helping Deer Valley Medical Center transition from a Level 3 to a Level 1 trauma center.

"I trained the OR nurses in trauma care, coordinated the startup, and ensured we had the right instruments to meet Level I standards. It was such a rewarding experience, knowing that I helped elevate the care we could provide,” she said.

Always Learning, Always Growing

Shannen continues to develop her leadership skills by listening to podcasts (see her preferred list below) and learning from others. She embraces the mindset that there is always something to learn, no matter the experience level.

"Whether it’s a new nurse or a traveler passing through, there’s always something new to discover,” she said.

A Lifelong Passion for Healthcare

Shannen’s curiosity about the human body and medical science started at a young age.

"As a kid, I was always fascinated with science. I even dissected a large goldfish I caught, just to understand what was inside," she said.

And her curiosity blossomed into a career driven by a desire to help others, particularly in surgery.

"I always knew I wanted to be in surgery. Watching shows like Doctor G: Medical Examiner and Trauma: Life in the E.R. made me even more determined,” she said.

Balancing Work and Life

Outside of work, Shannen makes time for her family and believes in the importance of balancing her professional and personal life. She loves spending time outdoors with her kids, drawing from their weekly adventure jar for fun and relaxation.

"Life is precious, and I make sure to maximize the fun with my family whenever I can," she said.

AORN: A Source of Inspiration and Growth

Meanwhile, Shannen credits her membership at AORN for playing a significant role in her career. She first encountered the association as a nursing student, and the excitement she felt during her first meeting further ignited a passion for perioperative nursing.

"That meeting sparked so much excitement in me. From then on, I knew the OR was where I wanted to be,” she said.

“AORN Expo in Nashville was another highlight for me too. Networking with other leaders and attending that conference was awe-inspiring. It’s an experience I’ll never forget."

Shannen’s List of Suggested Podcasts/Books

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