Periop Federal Advocacy in Action


AORN Members on Capitol Hill

In honor of National Nurses Week, the Nursing Community Coalition held a “Thank a Nurse” reception on Capitol Hill. The event was well attended by Members of Congress and legislative staff. Kristy Wheeler, MSN, RN, CNOR represented AORN as an attendee at the event. “The event was a great opportunity to socialize with policymakers keen to express their appreciation for nurses and their desire to address the policy needs of our community,” said Wheeler.

Group at NCC Reception
Photo caption: Wheeler and other nurses with Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) and Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA), center


The Association of Nurse Leaders (AONL) held their annual Capitol Hill advocacy event June 2-4, 2024, in Washington, D.C. The event was attended by more than 230 nurse leaders from across the country, including AORN board member, JD Buchert, M.Ed., MS, MSN(s), RN, CNOR. Over the course of the three-day event, Buchert had meetings in the offices of key members of the Texas Congressional delegation and met several Senators at a coffee reception hosted by AONL. “The Senators I spoke with at the reception were astonished to hear about surgical smoke in our operating rooms, and the risks to our health that OR nurses and our colleagues face daily in smoke-filled ORs,” said Buchert. In addition to surgical smoke, Buchert spoke with policymakers and staff about workplace violence and the nursing shortage.

Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett with group
Photo caption: Buchert and fellow northern Texas advocates with TX Rep. Jasmine Crockett


Later in June, several AORN members joined hundreds of their nursing and student nurse colleagues from across the country for the American Nurses’ Association’s Hill Day on June 27, 2024. ANA advocates took the opportunity to urge Congress to address the nurse staffing crisis and remedy challenges nurses face in their work environments. ANA’s federal legislative priorities also include safe staffing standards and legislation to prohibit mandatory overtime.

Megan Nolan and Andrea Dyer
Photo caption: AORN members Megan Nolan and Andrea Dyer outside Sen. Markey’s office


Group of people standing in front of Capitol Hill
Photo caption: Tennessee delegation including AORN member Daphny Peneza

AORN advocates for our members and their patients year-round at both the state and federal levels. We encourage members to take advantage of opportunities to engage policymakers at home and in Washington, D.C.

Have an advocacy story you want to share? Contact Jennifer Pennock to share your story.

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