One Instrument, Multiple Names -Text Version


A humorous look at working in the OR and dealing with (and learning) the many different names surgeons call their instruments.

In Scrubs & In Stitches

While In the Breakroom

Lisa: Hey, do you know what you're doing today?

Amy: My preceptor said that I'll be scrubbing with Ms Rica today. It's been a while since I scrubbed so I'm looking forward to it.

Lisa: You must be scrubbing a neuro case if you are with Ms Rica today.

Amy: Any tips for me? You were in that service for awhile.

Lisa: Yeah sure. Ask Ms Rica to show you the basic neuro instruments and ask her what the surgeons call it. Different surgeons, different names.

Amy: They don't use the official names? How different could it be?

Lisa: Significantly different. You'll see, especially if you are working with Dr Rivero.

While In the OR

Offscreen Surgeon: Dental Tool!

Lisa: It's the Woodson elevator.

Amy: ???

Offscreen Surgeon: Dingman #9!

Lisa: Give them the molt elevator.

Amy: (Looking confused).

Offscreen Surgeon: 2 Punch!

Lisa: ....kerrison.

Amy: (Confused and upset).

Outside the OR

Lisa: Good job today...wait, what's wrong?

Amy: (Looking sad). I felt bad that I didn't do well in the OR. It's like day one of orientation all over again.

Lisa: Don't feel bad, you did great scrubbing that case.

Amy: I have been scrubbing for a week and I still don't know the names of the instruments.

Lisa: Oh girl, You did your best. No one knows every single thing and what every surgeon calls it. Some of them do not even know its proper name and make up things.

Lisa: And you're not the only one. I experienced the same thing when I started. So don't worry too much. It does get better.

Amy: Haha, thank you for the pep talk. I really appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow?

Lisa: I'll be here. See you tomorrow!

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