Dual ASC Offerings at AORN Expo 2024 Cater to Leaders and Clinical Staff


For professionals in ambulatory surgery, AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo 2024 offers two distinct pathways: the Ambulatory Hub at the main conference, tailored for clinical RNs working in outpatient facilities; and the Ambulatory Track at Leadership Summit, designed for ASC administrators, directors of nursing, and nurse managers

  • Why the Dual Approach?

Jeanine Watson, the senior manager of ambulatory surgery at AORN, pointed out that more than 600 professionals in both leadership and clinical roles attended the education sessions at the Ambulatory Hub in 2023. "It became evident that we needed two distinct educational tracks to address the diverse needs of all attendees from the outpatient setting," she said.

  • Key Topics and Sessions

Between the two offerings, AORN Expo 2024 offers more than 15 sessions covering a broad spectrum of essential topics. One highlight includes a presentation on OAS CAHPS (on the Leadership Summit side), a crucial element of ambulatory surgery centers. This session will guide attendees through the process, from selecting an approved vendor to submitting the results.

Why is it important?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will mandate hospital outpatient departments to being reporting in 2024, followed by ASCs in 2025. “Failure to report will result in a Medicare payment penalty for the following year,” Watson said. “Also, you can’t create a do-it-yourself process for OAS CAHPS. You must use a CMS-approved vendor, which presents challenges in terms of IT and budget.”

  • Key Takeaways and Benefits

In addition to the educational sessions tailored to leaders and clinical staff, AORN has organized various events to facilitate networking with vendors and fellow attendees. One noteworthy event includes a gathering for both clinical RNs and leaders, scheduled for 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM in the Ambulatory Hub on Saturday, March 10.

  • AORN's Vision for ASCs

This year, AORN unveiled its new Ambulatory Surgery Division, and the launch of the new offering at Expo reflects the organization’s vision for the future.

"As the healthcare landscape continues to transform, we understand the growing importance of ambulatory surgery centers and the unique leadership opportunities they present to perioperative nurses,” said AORN executive director and CEO, Linda Groah, MSN, RN, CNOR, NEA-BC, FAAN. “The new Ambulatory Leader track at AORN Expo 2024 reflects our commitment to empowering nurses in this sector with the education, connections, and emerging tools they need to excel in their roles.”

Note: Access to the Ambulatory Hub is included with conference registration.

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