AORN Expo Insider: Top 20 Tips
By: Melanie Perry, BSN, RN, CNOR, CSSM
Published: 2/29/2024
So, it’s your first time going to AORN’s Expo? It’s exciting, isn’t it? There are so many people to meet, presentations to attend, and booths to explore – it’s an amazing experience for everyone who attends. But when it’s your first time, the experience can be just a little overwhelming, too. To be honest, it can be overwhelming for those of us who have attended multiple times as well! To help you navigate your first Expo with confidence, I’ve put together a list of 20 things to remember as you plan your trip and as you make your way through this exciting perioperative event.
Top 20 Tips
- Download the “AORN Expo” app! It’s available for iPhone and Android, and it’s your key to successfully navigating everything that Expo has to offer. The app is also your key to easily getting CEs, so make sure you have the app downloaded!
- Make plans to drop by the First-Time Attendee Lounge. Meet other first timers and the Expo Ambassadors of the event who can give you a few tips and answer any questions starting Friday, March 8, at 1pm.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions. This is an event filled with perioperative professionals, and we’re all happy to help! If you get lost, have a question, or just need a helping hand, ask!
- Flexibility is key. As OR nurses, we know how to be flexible and go with the flow, and those skills are just as important at Expo. A presentation might fill up so you can’t attend, you might be running late one day, or you might meet an awesome group of nurses who want you to change your plans so you can have lunch with them. Just roll with it and make the most of your experience!
- Wear comfy shoes. You’ll see a variety of clothing choices, from jeans to business suits, but regardless of what you wear, don’t choose the wrong shoes! There will be a lot of walking, so choose shoes that will support your feet.
- Start reviewing the schedule early! Using the app or the guide provided on AORN’s website (, start looking at the many different presentations that will be offered. You’re going to have to prioritize your time, because you just won’t be able to attend every single one. Identify your must attend in person presentations and prioritize those. You’ll be able to catch the others on-demand later. You can mark the events you want to attend with a star in the app, then you can easily follow your schedule for the day by looking at your starred events.
- Add the AORN Foundation party to your must-attend list. This event is so much fun! Plus, it gives you a chance to socialize, network, dance, and party with OR nurses from around the world – don’t miss it! You’ll have to purchase a separate ticket for this event, so make sure you get your ticket early! You can order tickets online at (under “add-ons”) or purchase them at the Foundation booth at Expo.
- Have something available for taking notes. You can use the notes app on your phone or just the good ol' pen and paper, but you’ll have takeaways from every presentation that you’ll want to write down. And trust me, you won’t be able to remember them later, so make sure you write down those key points when you hear them.
- Don’t skip out on the keynote speakers. These presentations are always so encouraging and uplifting, you’ll regret not going.
- Remember that you can access all of the presentations from Expo for four months after the event. Get speaker info, access to slides, etc., so you can add to your notes and your learning after the event is over.
- Make a note now that there will be virtual-only sessions available after Expo is over. These virtual-only presentations are in addition to those provided at Expo, so don’t miss these learning events!
- Get in line early for the opening of the Expo Hall on Sunday, March 10! The event starts at 4pm, but you’ll see people lining up really early so they can get inside first. You’ve only got two hours for this Sunday night event, so make the most of it and be there when the doors open! Insider Expo Hall hint: A few vendors have unique items that they give away each year, so get in line for those items first if you want them!
- Determine how you’re going to tackle the Expo Hall. The Expo Hall is HUGE. It’s a sight to see, for sure, but it is laid out in a very organized manner. So, you could easily start on one side and just work your way across. However, if you’re looking for a specific vendor, you can find the vendor booth numbers in the app. You can also see the map and vendor listing in advance on the website (
- Don’t skip out on talking to the vendors. It’s not just about the swag in the Expo Hall! You can learn SO MUCH from the vendors. They have CE presentation events, along with in-booth education. Plus, you get to learn about the latest and greatest in the OR and SPD world. Take advantage of the opportunity to speak with as many experts as you can. But, speaking of swag, there will be a lot! Make sure you have a bag handy to carry it around, and don’t forget you have to be able to get home with whatever you pick up. However, if you realize you’ve grabbed too many goodies, there is a package room available for you to ship those extra items home.
- Relax in the Wellness Pavilion. This is a special place set up inside of the Expo Hall. In previous years, there has been goat yoga, puppies, and even llamas! It’s a great place to unwind, relax, and just do something fun.
- Don’t forget the Poster Presentations. This is a great way to learn and meet new people at the same time. The posters are packed with information, and the authors of the posters have scheduled times to be available to present the information and answer questions. Read the posters, meet the authors, and take back new knowledge and ideas to your facility.
- Attend Congress: Forums and the House of Delegates. “Congress” is where the business of our organization (AORN) takes place. There’s a great discussion to be had in the forums, and you can learn about the issues being addressed by AORN and its members and participate in discussions focused on important topics relevant to perioperative nursing. After the forums, voting on AORN business occurs in the House of Delegates. Any member who attends the conference can serve as a delegate and vote. If you are a voting member and will not be serving as a Chapter Delegate, you will automatically be designated as a Delegate and can attend and vote at any AORN Congress business meeting on behalf of yourself. If you are interested in serving as a Delegate for your chapter, talk to your chapter leader. To learn more about AORN Congress, be sure to check out the AORN Congress page (
- Network, network, network! AORN Expo is a networking event, so don’t be shy! Introduce yourself to others and get to know the speakers, the poster authors, the vendors, and anyone else that you meet along the way. Have your contact information available, too. You might already have fancy business cards, but if you don’t, you can create a QR code to share your contact information quickly (free websites are available, such as or Or you can always connect via social media, text, or email – there are PLENTY of ways to get connected with everyone you meet!
- Do you want to know more about what to do in Nashville while you’re there? AORN will have local ambassadors available who can give you the scoop on all the best places to go! They will be easy to spot because they will be wearing sashes and green hats.
- Read the Conference Chart Notes. This attendee newsletter, which is updated weekly leading up to Expo, provides tips to help attendees prepare and maximize their experience.
This event is going to be SO MUCH FUN! I’m so glad that you’re attending, and I hope that this list helps give you some insight into how to navigate the conference. I’ll be attending, and if you see me, I’m more than happy to answer any questions that you have. Here’s to Nashville 2024! #AORN2024