Playing to Strengths: How to Identify and Support Individual Learning Styles Using VARK
This article will describe the VARK learning styles model, identify the characteristics of each learning style, and provide tips so you can support learners using their preferred style.
Educator Tools of the Trade: Job Aids
This article will explore what job aids are, why you should consider using them, and how you can create them.
How Fun and Games Increase Learning Engagement
How can you keep motivation high to engage learners in continuous improvement? One way to increase learning engagement is through fun, games, and competition.
Preparing for Patient Deaths and Postmortem Care
Education on preparing for patient deaths, including the processes and the caring practices, will prepare nurses to provide the most compassionate care possible.
Tips for Increasing Learning Motivation
Three ways educators can set themselves and their learners up for success are by creating a supportive learning environment, influencing goal setting, and establishing value.
Preceptor as an Educator
The preceptor fills many roles: coach, leader, influencer, facilitator, evaluator, socializer, protector, role model, and most importantly – educator.
Jeopardy-Style Learning
One way to increase participation during a staff in-service or small group meeting is to incorporate gaming as a method of educational delivery.
A Vital Relationship in Nursing: Preceptor and Preceptee
Some of the skills perioperative nurses need to support their patients cannot be taught in a classroom, making the relationship between nurse preceptor and preceptee vital.
Creation of an Annual Competency for Preoperative Patient Skin Antisepsis
This article provides an example of how an annual competency for preoperative patient skin antisepsis was created and proctored in a series of steps.
The Process of Skill Mastery
This article reviews the stages of the competence model and describes the process of skill mastery.
4 Strategies to Enhance Preceptor Development in the OR
In this week’s Periop Life blog, clinical nurse specialist Kizzie Charles, MS, APRN, AGCNS-BC, CNOR, shares how Charles and her team are revolutionizing OR mentorship, combatting burnout, and doubling preceptor satisfaction.
From Expert to Novice: The Importance of Educators and Preceptors
One of the key factors that contributed to my success as a new OR nurse was the well-organized and well-appointed orientation by the nurse educator.
Toolkit for Staff Feedback
It is important for preceptors to develop strong communication skills that facilitate novice nurse development.
The Four Primary Roles of the Preceptor
The preceptor may perform many roles to support other nurses, but there are four primary roles that create successful preceptor relationships.
Beach Ball Policy and Procedure Review Game
How to use that colorful ball next to the shovel, rake, and other sand toys currently sitting unused in your garage to review important topics and encourage team participation.
Six Design Keys for Escape Rooms in Nursing
Learn how to organize your next escape room.
Building Trust With Your New Hire
At the foundation of any clinical relationship is trust: trust between clinicians and patients, trust among the interprofessional team members, and trust between a new hire and the preceptor.