10 Results for Dear Masked Maven

As a new nurse, how can I interact and develop relationships without gossiping?

As a new nurse, how do I talk to sales reps about not opening supplies directly onto the sterile field?

As a new nurse, I need help with how to approach surgeons who are upset with surgical delays.

As a new nurse, how do I convince my teammates that I know what I’m doing (mostly)?

A nurse seeks advice about owning up to a mistake for the safety of the patient.

A nurse seeks advice about a preceptor who seems to contradict himself.

A nurse seeks advice about making it through orientation with a difficult preceptor.

A new nurse seeks advice about not being sure they are cut out for the OR.

A new OR RN seeks advice about their anxiety about being on call for the first time.

A new nurse seeks advice about the challenges of navigating through orientation.