The Stitch

Putting the Pieces Together for Novice Perioperative Nurses

As of December 2024, new Stitch content is exclusive with AORN membership. Select and past articles remain free to ensure everyone can enjoy this valuable content. Become a member for full access.   

A Fresh e-Zine for New OR Nurses

We Want to Hear from You!

Featured Pieces

Dear Masked Maven

Frustrated with your preceptor? Get yelled at during a case? Anxious about your first time being on call? The Masked Maven is here to provide you with expert advice to help you navigate your first few years in the OR. Read More

Developing Your Skills

Procedure Quick Tips, Clinical and Professional Tips and Tricks

Sharing Your Stories and Advice

Finding Your Why, Lessons Learned, Proud and Discouraging Moments, You've Got This!

In Scrubs & In Stitches

In Scrubs and In Stitches, a comic written and illustrated by a perioperative nurse, puts a spotlight on the day-to-day work of the surgical team. From the frustrating and challenging to the rewarding and humorous, get a glimpse into this OR filled with relatable stories and experiences.

Challenging Yourself

Quizzes, Games, Self-Assessment Tools

Educating and Precepting

Throwback Theater

They did what?! Step back in time and learn about the origins of surgery: the instruments, the procedures, and the people that had a role in making the specialty what it is today.