Periop Today Newsletter

The latest in periop news delivered to your inbox.

Periop Today is our bi-weekly member newsletter that delivers perioperative news, clinical recommendations, professional development opportunities, and legislative guidance. Periop Today also features AORN's Guidelines for Perioperative Practice implementation tools, key takeaways, and a variety of perioperative resources. 

Periop Today Articles

Read articles from our current and past issues.

6 Results for Career

Periop Talk: How good are you at advocating for yourself? A recent article indicated that, among 34% of nurses who wanted to quit their jobs, 52% said they were dissatisfied with their salary. It’s important to think about how you would negotiate a salary increase or promotion.

Are you reluctant to lead? The literature is showing a shift toward changes to prepare happier, healthier nurse leaders. This change might open your mind to a high-demand leadership career path.

Explore strategies for career satisfaction with AORN nursing coach Phyllis Quinlan. Learn to cultivate a positive mindset where anything’s possible. Find helpful advice to plan your path forward: clinical, research, education, administrative, tech, or something out of the box!

Get a preview of a new presentation: Millennial Leadership in the OR: The Collaborative Workstyle, which will be held at the Leadership Summit at AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo 2023.

Precepting experts from Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center share lessons learned for nurses stepping into the preceptor role.

Do you have a sense of something new calling you? The resilience you built through COVID has readied you for new professional pathways to uncover with these career tips from Dr. Phyllis. And if you're an AORN member, schedule a career coaching session.

Continuing Education

AORN offers live and on-demand education on high-interest, clinical and leadership topics developed for perioperative nurses, leaders, and other members of the perioperative team.