All 165 Results

Credits CA:1.0, NCCT:1.0

Safe patient handling when positioning a patient is not only important for staff safety as it is for patient safety through the appropriate use of equipment and ergonomics. This course will review best practices for safe patient handling, a culture of safety, and proper ergonomics while positioning a patient in the operating room and how to mitigate occupational injury.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This educational program identifies the clinical considerations related to surgical instrument care, cleaning, test functioning, routine maintenance, and basic repairs. This information will help you keep instruments in excellent condition so patients can receive the best care possible.

Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0, HSPA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0

A colecistectomia laparoscópica (CL) é o tratamento ideal para cálculos biliares e outras doenças da vesícula biliar. Embora se tenha tornado um procedimento muito comum, efetuado com frequência em ambiente ambulatorial, a CL ainda apresenta riscos para o doente. Cada elemento da equipa perioperatória, incluindo enfermeiros, técnicos cirúrgicos e profissionais de processamento estéril, desempenha um papel crucial na otimização da segurança e da eficácia da CL. Esta atividade de aprendizagem tratará da incidência e da prevalência de cálculos biliares sintomáticos, das principais técnicas cirúrgicas estabelecidas para garantir a remoção segura da vesícula biliar e dos aspetos e atividades de segurança cruciais para o reprocessamento de instrumentos laparoscópicos e materiais cirúrgicos, como os clipes do ducto cístico, que ajudam todos os doentes com CL a evitar complicações e obter um efeito pós-operatório ideal.

Credits CA:1.5, NCCT:1.5

This ebook is intended to supplement education and training of vascular vessel mapping protocols for creation of an endovascular arteriovenous fistula (endoAVF) utilizing the approach with dual magnetic catheters and application of radiofrequency energy to create an endoAVF (dual catheter system) anastomosis.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This ebook discusses foreign debris-initiated post-surgical complications and their associated pathological mechanisms. It reviews the sources of debris contamination, including a description of foreign microbody characteristics that can further amplify pathological responses. Strategies to determine the presence of lint in the OR and recommendations for minimizing their presence are highlighted.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This continuing education activity will address the role of environmental contamination in the transmission of HAIs, describe the latest research on environmental hygiene in the operating room (OR), and list the monitoring methods available to objectively evaluate environmental hygiene. Process improvement methods and new technologies such as self-disinfecting surfaces and “no touch” area cleaners utilizing ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and hydrogen peroxide vapor will be described.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

The advantages of using an online system for direct access to valuable information about a procedure pack program will be discussed. The five key functions of an online pack management system will be outlined. Best practices for standardization of procedural supplies across an integrated delivery network or individual hospital will be described.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

In the current era of antibiotic stewardship, with the prevalence of bacterial resistance to multiple antibiotic agents, there has been an interest in using perioperative antiseptics to reduce microbial contamination in the surgical site before closure and possibly reduce the need for antibiotic agents. This program is intended to better understand the proper implications of the different types of wound irrigations in relation to SSIs, cost, and efficiency.

Credit CA:2.0

This program summarizes the risks associated with handling needles and sharps in the healthcare environment and describes how implementation of a comprehensive sharps safety program can mitigate these risks.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This educational program will explore how damage to the skin barrier can lead to alterations in the skin microbiome, contributing to conditions such as incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD).

Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0, HSPA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0

Die laparoskopische Cholezystektomie (LC) ist die bevorzugte Behandlung für Gallensteine und andere Gallenblasenerkrankungen. Obwohl die LC mittlerweile ein sehr gängiges Verfahren ist, das häufig ambulant durchgeführt wird, birgt sie immer noch Risiken für den Patienten. Jedes Mitglied des perioperativen Teams, einschließlich der Krankenpflegekräfte, chirurgisch-technischen Assistenten und Sterilisationsfachkräfte, spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Optimierung der Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit der LC. In dieser Lerneinheit werden die Inzidenz und Prävalenz von symptomatischen Gallensteinen, die wichtigsten chirurgischen Techniken zur sicheren Entfernung der Gallenblase und die kritischen Sicherheitsaspekte und -maßnahmen für die Wiederaufbereitung von laparoskopischen Instrumenten und für chirurgisches Material - wie z.B. Gallenkanal-Klemmen - erörtert, die bei jedem LC-Patienten dazu beitragen, Komplikationen zu vermeiden und ein optimales postoperatives Ergebnis zu erzielen.

Credit ASRT:1.0

This ebook is intended to supplement education and training of vascular vessel mapping protocols for creation of an endovascular arteriovenous fistula (endoAVF) utilizing the approach with dual magnetic catheters and application of radiofrequency energy to create an endoAVF (dual catheter system) anastomosis.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

According to governing and recommending entities, frequent monitoring and timely feedback provides the best information to help drive and improve outcomes. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of various compliance monitoring methods, and implementing the most compatible method, can assist organizations with acquiring sustained improvement.

Credits CA:1.0, NCCT:1.0

This continuing education reviews common surgical positioning injuries, high-risk surgical positions, and how team collaboration and communication can help prevent patient harm. Strategies, techniques, and evidence-based guidelines for steep deep Trendelenburg, prone, beach chair, and lateral positions are covered.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0

Ultrasound probes are used in nearly all departments in clinical settings including point of care situations such as the bedside and remote clinics. This continuing education covers best practices to prevent the transmission of infection.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

Será descrita uma visão geral dos tipos de dreno torácico, indicações para uso eficaz e principais fatores de gerenciamento. O uso seguro e eficaz de sistemas de drenagem torácica será discutido para que os profissionais de enfermagem possam fornecer cuidados de alta qualidade aos seus pacientes para a obtenção dos melhores resultados.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This continuing education activity provides a review of the key considerations for the appropriate selection and use of surgical gowns as an infection prevention measure for both patients and the surgical team. Standards and guidelines pertaining to the selection and use of surgical gowns published by various federal agencies and professional organizations are covered.

Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0, HSPA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0

La colecistectomía laparoscópica (CL) es el tratamiento de referencia para los cálculos biliares y otras enfermedades de la vesícula biliar. Si bien la CL se ha convertido en un procedimiento muy común, a menudo realizado en entornos ambulatorios, todavía presenta riesgos para el paciente. Cada miembro del equipo perioperatorio, incluidos enfermeras tituladas, técnicos de quirófano y técnicos en esterilización, desempeña un papel fundamental en la optimización de la seguridad y eficacia de la CL. Este curso de formación analizará la incidencia y prevalencia de los cálculos biliares sintomáticos, las técnicas quirúrgicas clave establecidas para garantizar la extirpación segura de la vesícula biliar y los aspectos y actividades de seguridad fundamentales para el reprocesamiento del instrumental laparoscópico y de los suministros quirúrgicos (como los clips aplicados en el conducto cístico) que ayuden a cada paciente de CL a evitar complicaciones y lograr un resultado posoperatorio óptimo.

Credits: ASRT: 1.75

In this educational activity, the role of common AF risk factors and biomarkers prediction of incident AF will be summarized. Current treatment options based on the latest clinical evidence for the management of AF will be discussed, including patient identification, indications for use and risks. Finally, recommendations from leading clinical guidelines will be reviewed.

Credit CA:2.5

This activity-based program reinforces knowledge of key concepts to help patients stay on PD therapy.

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