Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This program is designed to increase knowledge of the basics of skin health and its impact for people with incontinence. The activity will provide practical knowledge for clinicians on the care of fragile skin as well as including factors that influence skin health, how to maintain a balanced microbiome, what happens when the microbiome becomes unbalanced, and how to treat conditions related to declines in skin health.
Credits CA:2.0
Both tube dislodgement and medical device-related pressure injuries can lead to significant morbidity and mortality for the patient and potential legal and financial risks for healthcare organizations. This learning activity will outline the incidence, complications, and costs of unplanned extubation and medical device-related pressure injuries.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
An overview of the types of chest drains, indications for effective use and key management factors will be described. The safe and effective use of chest drainage systems will be discussed so that nurses can provide high quality care for their patients to achieve optimal care outcomes.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This learning activity will focus on the stages of peripheral artery disease, best medical treatment options based on current guidelines, and various endovascular and surgical revascularization techniques, such as stenting, atherectomy, and thrombectomy.
Credits CRCE:2.0
Both tube dislodgement and medical device-related pressure injuries can lead to significant morbidity and mortality for the patient and potential legal and financial risks for healthcare organizations. This learning activity will outline the incidence, complications, and costs of unplanned extubation and medical device-related pressure injuries.
Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This continuing education activity will describe observable symptoms of burnout, contributing factors, and opportunities to enhance resilience and prevent burnout. In addition, myths, facts, and recent events related to clinician burnout, will be explored.
Credits CA:1.0
Instances of accidental burns have been documented. Moreover, reports of burns resulting from prolonged exposure to traditional surgical lighting, particularly before the adoption of light emitting diode (LED) technology. This educational activity will identify patient risks associated with surgical lights and strategies for enhancing patient safety.
Credit ASRT:1.5
The increased need to navigate to areas impossible to locate through touch, and an increased focus on oncoplastic approaches, have led to the development of several wire-free localization techniques that alleviate some of the evidence-based disadvantages of wire-guided localization. This program aims to educate a broader audience on the latest localization techniques for breast conservation surgery with a specific focus on Radar Localization.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0 CBSPD: 2.0 HSPA: 2.0
This CE activity will outline best practices for safe and effective inspection, processing and handling of rigid oral endoscopes, the Medical Device Manufacturers (MDM) instructions for use and guideline recommendations to ensure the instruments are patient ready.
No Credit
As part of a safe patient handling and mobility program, overhead lifts can help you mobilize patients earlier and often — and help mitigate complications from immobility. This ceiling mounted patient lift can help improve patient outcomes - including few falls and shorter lengths of stay in the hospital/ICU.
Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, IAHCSM:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This continuing education activity provides a brief overview of the clinical impact and economic burden of SSIs today. The key characteristics of sterilization wrap materials that help reduce the risk for SSIs, with a focus on nonwoven double layer sterilization wrap, including test data that should be obtained from the manufacturer, will be reviewed.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Upon completion of this activity, the learner will gain knowledge regarding the common practices and advantages of surgical stapling along with the potential complications; understand tissue thickness and its relevance to cartridge selection; and learn how surgical staplers are selected and used today.
Credits CA:2.0
This learning activity discusses alternative options for indwelling catheters that can reduce a patient’s risk for developing catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI), a hospital-acquired infection that increases with duration of use of an indwelling catheter and costs the United States healthcare system millions every year.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This education activity reviews the indications, contraindications, and methodology of enteral feedings and highlights the role of the multidisciplinary team in the care of patients requiring enteral nutrition. The types of feeding formulations will be discussed along with routes of delivery, common complications, and ways to mitigate these risks.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0
This program is a pivotal step towards mastering advanced fascial closure techniques, ensuring safer surgical outcomes and setting a higher benchmark in the prevention and management of port-site hernias.
Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0, HSPA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0
La colecistectomia laparoscopica (CL) è il trattamento di elezione per la calcolosi biliare e altre patologie della cistifellea. Sebbene sia ormai una procedura molto comune, spesso eseguita in contesti ambulatoriali, presenta comunque dei rischi per il paziente. Ogni membro dell’équipe perioperatoria, inclusi infermieri professionali, strumentisti e addetti alla sterilizzazione, svolge un ruolo fondamentale nell’ottimizzazione della sicurezza e dell’efficacia della CL. Questa attività formativa tratterà l’incidenza e la prevalenza della calcolosi biliare sintomatica, le tecniche chirurgiche chiave stabilite per garantire una rimozione sicura della cistifellea nonché le attività e gli aspetti critici legati alla sicurezza per la rigenerazione degli strumenti laparoscopici e il materiale chirurgico, come le clip del dotto cistico, che consentono a ogni paziente sottoposto a CL di evitarne le relative complicanze e ottenere un risultato post-operatorio ottimale.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) after total joint arthroplasty is a significant complication, and diagnosis and treatment are challenging, which makes prevention the most compelling strategy. This program defines PJI and explains its incidence, pathogenesis, risk factors, clinical consequences, and financial costs. The implications of biofilm formation for the diagnosis and treatment of PJI are discussed. Preoperative, perioperative, intraoperative, and postoperative preventive strategies are described in detail, focusing on the benefits of irrigation with high-osmolarity surfactant solutions.
Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0, HSPA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0
Cholecystektomia laparoskopowa (LC) jest metodą leczenia pierwszego rzutu w przypadku kamieni żółciowych i innych chorób pęcherzyka żółciowego. Chociaż stała się bardzo powszechnie wykonywanym zabiegiem, często przeprowadzanym w warunkach ambulatoryjnych, nadal wiąże się z ryzykiem dla pacjenta. Wszyscy członkowie zespołu operacyjnego, w tym pielęgniarki, instrumentariusze i technicy sterylizacji, odgrywają kluczową rolę w zapewnianiu bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności zabiegu. W niniejszym materiale szkoleniowym zostaną omówione zapadalność i chorobowość objawowej kamicy żółciowej, najważniejsze uznane techniki chirurgiczne zapewniające bezpieczne usunięcie pęcherzyka żółciowego, a także kluczowe aspekty dotyczące bezpieczeństwa oraz działania z zakresu obróbki narzędzi laparoskopowych i chirurgicznych – takich jak klipsy do zaciskania przewodu pęcherzykowego – dzięki którym pacjenci mogą uniknąć powikłań po LC i uzyskać optymalny wynik zabiegu.
Credit CA:3.5
Key characteristics of successful Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) nurses are those nurses that are knowledgeable, confident, efficient, organized and dedicated experts in PD therapy. This education activity offers a comprehensive approach for nurses who want to embark on a PD learning journey. Find out what PD is and how it works, including strategies to develop a structured PD patient training program, based on the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) syllabus.
Credit CA:1.0
As Chief Diversity and Community Health Equity Officer for UI Health of Chicago, Rani Morrison gives valuable insight into the intricate connection between health equity and patient outcomes. By expanding on this relationship, you'll gain insight into how factors such as social determinants of health, socioeconomic status, cultural competence, and healthcare system disparities impact patient well-being.