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Cutting Remarks - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2012
Was This Orthopedic Surgeon Too Slow, or Just Conscientious? - This Ju
Drunken Night Out Costs Pediatric RN His Job - This Just In - February
Paper Clip Dentist Sentenced to Year in Jail - This Just In - February
Doctor Loses License for Touching Anesthetized Patients' Breasts - Thi
Automatic Meal-Break Deductions - This Just In - February, 2012
NFL Player Blames Team Physician for Causing His Leg Infection, Cuttin
Gynecologists Offering Breast Augmentation and Ophthalmologists Doing
The Battle for Control of OR Control Systems - This Just In - January,
Tragic Error: Remove Monitoring Equipment From Patient Given High Dose
Informed Consent and the Deaf Patient - This Just In - January, 2012
Video Demonstrates "Goldilocks Anesthesia" - This Just In - January, 2
ASC Sale Brings $8.8M Verdict for Slighted Physician-Investor - This J
Errant Needlestick Costs Surgery Center $1.25 Million - This Just In -
Were Employees Disciplined for Reporting Sexual Harassment? - This Jus
FDA Approves Surgical Adhesive for U.S. Study - This Just In - January
Did Surgeon's Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Affect Surgery's Outcomes? - This
Shorten Your Pre- and Post-Procedure Times for Cataract Surgery - This
Hospital Not Liable for Promoting Drug-Addicted Surgeon - This Just In
The Case of the Hospital's Secretly Taped Admission of Error - This Ju