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CMS Expected to Push Back October 2013 ICD-10 Deadline - This Just In

Spine Surgeon Sues Spine Surgeon Who Inserted Experimental Artificial

Does Fear of Lawsuits Influence Orthopedic Surgeons' Delivery of Care?

Was Sacked Surgeon Safety Conscious or Money Hungry? - This Just In -

Facelift Patient Devoted Herself to Ruining Surgeon's Reputation - Thi

A Simple Way to Screen for Obstructive Sleep Apnea - This Just In - Fe

You Might Be an OR Nurse If ... - This Just In - February, 2012

6 Tips for a Stress-Free Accreditation Survey - This Just In - Februar

Are You Ready for an MH Emergency? - This Just In - February, 2012

Just How Useful (Really) Is Gowning and Gloving? - This Just In - Febr

Did Hospital Settle Malpractice Case to Spite Its Chief of Surgery? -

Despite Huge Return on Their Investment, 3 Retinal Surgeons Squeezed O

Could Your Facility Use a Spark? - This Just In - February, 2012

14 Hospitals Pay $12M to Settle Medicare Fraud Charges Surrounding Spi

Observation Plus Affirmation Equals Hand Hygiene Domination - This Jus

60 is the Surgeon's Magic Number for ACL Repairs - This Just In - Febr

Is Gargling With Licorice the Cure for Post-Op Sore Throat? - This Jus

Product News - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2012

Coding & Billing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2012

Secrets of Our Ultrasound-Guided Block Success - Outpatient Surgery Ma

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