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Doctor fined $2,500 for trigger release gaffe. Hand specialist operates on the incorrect finger.

At more than $200K a year, surgeons are highest earners. Healthcare-related fields dominate the top 10.

Drug maker introduces 10 mL propofol. Smaller portions reduce waste and support safety.

Medical and legal relief for OR nurse. Missouri court upholds award after nurse's OR fall and treatment ordeal.

Surgeon fights "Butcher" slur in defamation lawsuit. A chiropractor allegedly badmouthed the orthopod to a patient planning surgery.

Is there a hole in your warming strategy? Perioperative hypothermia is more common than you might realize. Find out why end-of-surgery temperatures don't tell the whole story.

Avoid sliding during surgery with these comfortable, washable, breathable swiming shoes. An Idea That Works from Flint, Michigan.

Make patients' prep directions simple with this kit, an Idea That Works from Elizabethton, Tennessee.

Know when your patient is ready for surgery with a simple addition to your schedule board and this idea that works from Sumter, South Carolina.

The FDA is still weighing the pros and cons of using morcellation for minimally invasive hysterectomies.

Save time and money with prefab signs and this Idea That Works from Corinth, Mississippi.

Product News

Behind Closed Doors: Weathering the surgical forecast. Going to OR 1? Bring an umbrella.

7 cool new products for your GI docs. Advances on display at Digestive Disease Week focused on improving adenoma detection rates.

Update multiple anesthesia providers with a dry erase board and this Idea That Works from Maryville, Tennessee.

Avoid these 5 anesthesia tests.

Surveyor Says ... Dings that might surprise you. Our annual look at accreditors' odd and unusual dings.

When faced to an active shooter situation, how would you respond?

7 steps to safer endoscope reprocessing. Are your techs cleaning your scopes the right way?

Court orders surgeon to pay $40,000 for kicking nurse. He says it was done playfully. She says he has a history of hostile behavior.

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