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Safety: Blue dye mix-up blinds patient. OR mistook methylene blue, which is toxic to the eyes, for trypan blue.

Facilitate the flow of secondary drugs with this Idea That Works from Whittier, California.

Thinking of Buying ... HD Video displays? The latest models offer a lot more than incredibly sharp pictures.

Flood damage will close Michigan Surgical Hospital. 5 inches of rain in as many hours caused extensive damage this summer.

DISC Spine Center teams with Surgical Care Affiliates. SCA will take over business ops for the innovative surgical program.

Staffing: 6 creative staffing solutions. Tips to keep your key people productive and satisfied.

Anesthesia Alert: Acing the pre-operative anesthesia evaluation. The right approach can go a long way toward eliminating anxiety.

Alternative uses for peripheral nerve blocks. These innovations show regional anesthesia's not just for surgery.

Help patient documents stay organized with this Idea That Works from Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Socks to signify fall-risk patients, read about this Idea That Works from Cherry Valley, California.

The Surgeons' Lounge: Blog review A Scrubs Life

IVs won't back up when using this Idea That Works from Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Ease off adhesive tape with this simple Idea That Works from Cape Giradeau, Missouri.

Daytime is best for lap choles. Overnight, they're more likely to convert to open cases.

Can We Predict the Quality of Recovery?

No one noticed and no alarms sounded when tourniquet deflated. Lawsuit: Bolus dose of lidocaine caused patient to code on OR table.

Patient sues, but facility, physicians not liable for tooth loss. Patient had poor dental health and clenched on bite block after procedure.

Medical assistant sues Anesthesia Group for firing her for being Muslim. Employer denies allegations, cites failure to report missing Demerol as reason for firing.

Train surgeons and staff on electrosurgery safety with FUSE. New program aims to prevent OR fires, improve device safety.

No objects left behind. If preventing retained foreign objects is such a high priority, why is it still being reported as a common sentinel event?

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