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Make sure surgical sites are marked with this Idea That Works from Fort Myers, Florida.

Stay ahead of ergonomic injuries. Preparation is the key to prevention.

Give patients what they need for recovery with this Idea That Works from Beverly Hills, California.

Behind Closed Doors: Were you raised by an OR Nurse? You can always tell when there's a nurse in the family.

Avoid recovery room mix-ups with pediatric patients with this Idea That Works from Santa Maria, California.

Study: Surgical plume may present an infection risk.

Prevent metal clips on ace bandages from poking you with this Idea That Works from Marion, Ohio.

Protect your tablets with this Idea That Works from Chicago, Illinois.

Business Advisor: Shopping smart for capital equipment. Yes, it's possible to upgrade your ORs without breaking the bank.

Coding & Billing: A partial and confusing list of spine codes. Your claims could include excluded and covered services.

Editor's Page: Say no to surveillance cameras in the OR. A proposed law would require ASCs and hospitals to install black boxes.

What's new in gastroenterology? Cool products from Digestive Disease Week.

Anesthesia Alert: Should you stock Succinylcholine or Rocuronium? Which should be your first choice for breaking a laryngospasm?

Patient claims surgeon's bare hands responsible for post-op infection. Woman loses suit that alleged doctor used ungloved hand to drain fluid from her breast following surgery.

CMS announces outpatient rates for 2016. ASCs see small uptick, hospital rates fall slightly.

Patient says she was bullied into signing consent form. She'd repeatedly insisted she didn't want a hysterectomy.

A new way to manage post-op pain. The Perioperative Surgical Home model is revolutionizing patient care with preset clinical pathways for specific cases.

Connecticut provider tax could force centers to close across state. A 6% provider tax included in the state's new budget could force more than a dozen centers to shut down.

5 keys to managing sleep apnea. Pre-op assessments and taking the proper precautions on the day of surgery will help keep these high-risk patients safe.

How we prevent PONV. For at-risk patients, targeted interventions spell relief.

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