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Keep track of everything you need to know about your endoscope reprocessing with this Idea That Works from Hudson, Florida.
Coding & Billing: Are you leaving money on the table? Here's how to overcome 4 common revenue challenges.
Ask the experts: Should you add mini-laparoscopy? Top surgeons share their thoughts on the tiny tools and whether the technique is worth adding.
The case for biologic hernia repair. Though more costly, is there evidence that using biologic mesh results in lower infection and recurrence rates?
10 products to boost your fight against SSIs. Consider these new innovations and old standbys to enhance your infection control strategy.
Should you add same-day spine? Building a spine program into the backbone of your schedule.
What's the Harm? Our readers challenge home-laundering scrubs and other sacred practices of surgery.
Business Advisor: going green can save you green. 10 ways that environmental stewardship can really pay off.
Use this Idea that Works to avoid delays in the perioperative process.
Safety: Time for a new surgical checklist. It starts earlier, ends later, saves time and prevents complications.
Product news.
Nationwide outpatient satisfaction survey to begin next month. It's voluntary now, but may be mandatory later.
Courts: Dental practice's negligence resulted in patient's sexual assault. CRNA gets life in prison, but dental practice is responsible for 100% of $3.7 million verdict.
Surgeon operated on wrong part of brain. Officials: Surgeon and his team skipped the time out and hid the error afterwards.
Widow sues Olympus and custom Ultrasonics over husband's Superbug death. Suit: Defectively designed duodenoscope made parts of the instrument difficult to access for cleaning and sterilization.
Surgeons reach peak performance between 35 and 50 years old. Evidence suggests that post-op complication rate higher in surgeons with 20+ years of experience.
Results from first head-to-head comparison of Exparel and conventional Bupivacaine. New study shows not much separates standard bupivacaine from pricey Exparel.
Forbes: Punitive ban on physician-owned hospitals imposed by the Affordable Care Act Has to go. Hospitals owned by physicians are often the most efficient, state-of-the-art facilities in the country.
'Post-Hospital Syndrome' is a risk factor in elective surgery. Patients who've been hospitalized within 90 days of surgery have higher post-op readmissions, study finds.
FDA approval of Sugammadex appears imminent. Independent panel gives unanimous nod to anesthesia-reversal drug.