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Stemming the Tide of Infectious Fluid Waste; Direct-to-drain options are cost-effective ways to keep your floors dry and your staff safe.
Total Support for Total Joints; Consultants from top orthopedic manufacturers can guide you to same-day replacement success.
Founder of the Famed Rothman Institute Slowing Down (Sort of) After 50 Years in the OR; Q&A with Richard H. Rothman, MD, PhD, orthopedic pioneer and healthcare entrepreneur.
Tools to Improve Medication Safety; To eliminate administration mistakes, you have to eliminate the human factor.
Are You Ready to Handle Difficult Airways? Have a plan in place and needed tools on hand to solve challenging intubations.
On Point: Help Solve the Opioid Crisis
On the Fast Track; 6 keys to shorter stays in the recovery room.
An Inspiring Second Place Finish After 26.2 Miles; Q&A with Sarah Sellers, CRNA, 2018 Boston Marathon runner-up.
Patient Monitoring Essentials; Capnography and pulse oximetry provide additional reassurance whenever anesthesia is administered.
How to Organize Your MH Carts; Standardized supplies will help your staff save a life when every second counts.
The Case for Continuous Nerve Blocks; Get on board with the best way to manage post-op pain without opioids.
Your Options in Patient Warming; The benefits of preventing hypothermia extend well beyond warm welcomes.
Time to Upgrade Your Anesthesia Machines? The newest models help providers deliver inhalational agents safely, precisely and economically.
Looney Toons; Another Use for Your Big-Screen Monitor
Can You Pass This Decontamination Quiz? See how well you know all that your reprocessing techs need to know.
Editor's Page: Can You Teach an Old Guy New Apps?
No Interruptions; Quiet, Please: Instrument Set Assembly in Progress
Behind Closed Doors; Only an OR Nurse Would Understand
Why Look at the Ceiling: Walking into the OR Helps Reduce Anxiety
Hydrocolloid Dressing; Prevent IV Hub Pressure Ulcers