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Business Advisor: Will That Equipment Pay for Itself? The key question to answer before you buy your next big-ticket item.

Ideas That Work: Coban Bandage Art for Cochlear Implant Kids

Safety: My Personal Plea to Ban Surgical Smoke; Don't wait for lawmakers to make your ORs smoke-free.

The Case for Concurrent Cases; Double-booked surgeons must choreograph their every move.

All-Natural PONV Remedies; Can these alternative treatments help you prevent post-op nausea and vomiting?

Why I Underwent Sleeve Gastrectomy; Here's hoping happy, healthy days lie ahead for me after I lost most of my stomach last month.

What's New in Cataract Medications; A look at 6 new drugs your surgeons might want to try.

The High Risks of High-Touch Surfaces; How do you assess cleanliness when a visually clean item can still harbor contamination?

The Rise of Flat-Panel C-arms; What's fueling the move from traditional image intensifiers to digital flat-panel detectors?

Ideas That Work: Fun Ride to the OR; Climb Aboard the Worm Wagon

Staffing: Impressionist Movement: Use art to sharpen your staff's observation and communication skills.

Ideas That Work: Meds To Beds;Ideas That Work: Meds To Beds

My Turn: Blessed to Let Go Together; My patient and I leave our grief over losing a loved one on PACU Bay 6

Ideas That Work: Location, Location, Location; Hang Your Hand Sanitizer Dispensers With Care

7 Tips for a Successful 4K Conversion; Inside our $2 million upgrade to ultra-high definition imaging.

Wake Up to the Dangers of Sleep Apnea; 5 key takeaways from the new OSA guideline.

Ideas That Work: Off-Label Use; Botox for Hernias? Yup!

Why Go NPO After Midnight? It's time to get onboard with the not-so-new approach to pre-op fasting.

Ideas That Work: Whip Out Your Sharpie; Anesthesia Bag Art Deflates Kids' Fears

Ideas That Work: Deaf Patients

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