Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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In this inaugural online column, A Day in the Life of an Administrator, we sat down with Karen Reiter, RN, CNOR, RNFA, CASC, vice president...

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has....”

A healthy patient population is a cornerstone of outpatient surgery. Those fortunate enough to be greenlighted for same-day procedures get to...

I’m speaking with Bill Duffy — past AORN president, current board member, director of a nursing school and proud nurse...

Even when endoscopy staff are well-taught and well-trained, accidents happen in what can be fast-paced, high-volume environments at GI centers....

The nurses at Nemours Children’s Hospital’s NICU, located in Wilmington, Del., have developed various crafty ideas using NICU babies’ hands and feet...

Got a room or small section of your facility that isn’t being fully used? Consider turning it into a place where staff can go to unwind and recharge....

Rewarding staff for preventing errors and keeping patients safe are the means to an end every surgical leader strives to achieve...

If you want your staff to recall their training long after the in-service is done, you’ve got to make it fun, engaging and challenging....

You might be surprised by how many ophthalmologists suffer from occupational injuries that in some cases shorten their careers....

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