Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Cutting Remarks: Don't you just hate confusing post-op orders? The clearer that I can make my discharge instructions, the better.

Managing radiation exposure in the OR. 5 steps to safe C-arm use.

The industry suffers every time an ASC is converted to an HOPD.

Product News - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March, 2014

Improve your arthroscopic efficiency. Tips and technology to step up a busy schedule.

Make orthopedic SSIs all but disappear. We're zeroing in on zero, using these 9 steps.

Regional's building blocks: 4 keys to improving pain management for orthopedic procedures.

A dignified way to treat their addiction and their surgical recovery. Safety: 5 Tips for Treating Addicted Patients

Two gloves are better than one. Double-gloving is proven to reduce risks of sharps injuries and exposure to bloodborne infections.

Standardize the soak time with a simple kitchen timer. An Idea That Works from Sumter, South Carolina.

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