Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Ask the Etiquette Doctor: Which side does the fork go on again? Here's an easy way to remember which utensils to use.

Keep cords under control with a shower curtain rod. An Idea That Works from Santa Monica, California.

What's new in ENT navigation systems? These GPS-like devices help surgeons navigate through the nose using a 3D map created from CT scans.

Make anesthesia masks less scary for kids with this Idea that Works from Portland, Oregon.

How to create a latex-safe facility. Rather than trying to rid your facility of latex, treat all your staff and patients as if they have a latex allergy.

The case for standardizing skin preps. The opportunity to reduce infections is just one of several benefits.

Seal the drape to keep blood out of hair, an Idea That Works from Richmond Heights, Ohio.

Paying tribute to Dr. Wally Reed, outpatient surgery's true pioneer. The father of ambulatory surgery.

Save on guaze with this Idea That Works from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Save time and trouble by placing pre-wrapped trays on the case cart. An Idea That Works from Voorhees, New Jersey.

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