Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Business Advisor: Create yur own YouTube channel. Online procedure videos are a great way to show off your facility.

Behind Closed Doors: Where no nurse has gone before. Is the OR of the future a dream or a nightmare?

Editor's Page: Sexual Predators in the OR - Outpatient Surgery Magazin

Ideas That Work: Where are my cothes? Here is a simple way to ID patient belongings.

3D video in depth. Waiting for 4K? 3D is here and transforming surgery.

Use this number system to track processing of your scopes with this Idea That Works from Little Rock, Arkansas.

Let the circulating nurse know about missing documentation with this Idea that Works from Valencia, California.

Can you afford a femto laser? Buy, lease or outsource? Here's a quick economics lesson.

Loosen adhesive easier with this Idea That Works from Seymour, Ind.

The benefits of reposable instruments. Reduce waste and control costs with these part-disposable, part-reusable instruments.

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