Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Help your surgeones easily locate their patients with this Idea That Works.

Thin (OR equipment) is in. Declutter your ORs with small footprint equipment.

Make patients feel extra special with this Idea That Works.

Learning to love your EMR. A conversation with a surgeon who took his hospital paperless.

Staffing: Create a team of leaders. "Pit crews" give staff ownership in running the facility.

Ideas That Work: Empty your pockets. Ensure unused supplies find their way back to the storage room.

Ideas That Work: Charitable donations. Give expired supplies to those in need.

Product News - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2015

Why not have scrubs professionally laundered? Research and common sense show the advantages are too many to ignore.

The real hazards of surgical smoke. Are dangerous particles lurking in the air of your OR?

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