Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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The aches and pains of laparoscopy. Minimally invasive surgery can be a major pain in the neck (and back, shoulders and wrists) for your surgeons.

Go green with your blue wrap with these great Ideas That Work.

12 hot new anesthesia products. These devices on display in the American Society of Anesthesiologists exhibit hall could help your anesthesia providers deliver great care.

Reduce the potential of grabbing unsterile instruments with this Idea That Works.

Sterilize sharp instruments with this Idea That Works to make sterilization more effective.

A drug diverter comes clean. A CRNA's story of how he got away with stealing fentanyl — and how easily someone should have caught him.

The ratings game. How to score high in health rating systems — and how to defend yourself when you don't score well.

Is your cleaning barely scratching the surface? Tap into the science of surface disinfection to rid your rooms of infection-causing bioburden.

Infection prevention: don't define your reprocessors by their failures. Let your sterile processing department prove itself to you.

The big picture on surgical imaging. Are 4K, 3D and image enhancement options worth the investment?

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