Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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4 keys to prevent patient falls. Keep your patients from taking a tumble.

Tools for difficult colonoscopies. Help your doctors see more clearly and move more easily through the colon with the latest scopes and add-ons.

Down the drain or direct to drain? Our search for a simple, safe and cost-effective solution for fluid waste disposal.

Safety: Inside our near-miss wrong-site surgery. Lessons learned from almost implanting the wrong IOL.

Keep your storage room neat and orderly with this Idea That Works.

Is it time to serilize endoscopes? A much-needed higher standard may be on the horizon.

Take a closer look at ophthalmic compounded drugs. Here's what you can do to ensure the sterility, potency and purity of the outsourced injections you use in your facility.

Behind closed doors: Surgery for Santa. I'm pretty sure I saw St. Nick in the OR the night before Christmas.

Let your patients know that you didn't forget about them with this Idea That Works.

How we negotiated our own bundled payments for total joints. These surgeons saw the coming of same-day joints and value-based payments.

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