Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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The Quest for Faster Room Turnover; 9 steps for more efficient room setup and teardown.

5 Innovations in Infection Prevention; To defeat the infectious invaders on the front lines of surgical care, you have to fight dirty.

Who's Handling Your Patient Satisfaction Surveys? The postponement of the OAS CAHPS program shouldn't delay your search for a CMS-approved vendor.

Ideas That Work: Pamper Your Staff; /issues/2018/06/ideas-that-work-pamper-your-staff

Behind Closed Doors: Do You Recognize These Disney Villains? These animated characters are probably acting out in your ORs.

Product News; Great ideas for your OR

Is It Time to Replace Your C-arm? The newest machines represent a phenomenal improvement.

Behind Closed Doors; Can You Spot the Site Marking?

Local Anesthetic Toxicity; Keep Your Lipid Emulsions Close.

6 Steps to Successful Continuous Nerve Blocks; Simple pointers to increase patient — and surgeon — satisfaction.

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