Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Thinking of Buying... Big-Screen Monitors; Going bigger is better with surgical displays.

By the Script; Talking Points Guide Pre-op Phone Calls

Patient Education Is Key to Reducing Opioids; When patients are involved in their recovery, they need less pain medication.

Boost Your Patients' Dietary Health Before Surgery; Use a simple checklist to screen for malnourishment.

The Quest for Faster Room Turnover; 9 steps for more efficient room setup and teardown.

5 Innovations in Infection Prevention; To defeat the infectious invaders on the front lines of surgical care, you have to fight dirty.

Who's Handling Your Patient Satisfaction Surveys? The postponement of the OAS CAHPS program shouldn't delay your search for a CMS-approved vendor.

Ideas That Work: Pamper Your Staff; /issues/2018/06/ideas-that-work-pamper-your-staff

The Ergonomics of Sharps Safety; Small adjustments to posture and positioning in the OR cut down on injuries from suture needles and scalpels.

6 Secrets to Success With Laser Cataract Surgery; Expert advice if you're thinking of adopting the femtosecond laser.

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